Vessel Monitoring System

Trackwell Vessel Monitoring System

Trackwell FiMS offers a state-of-the-art Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Software which is a used in Fisheries Monitoring Centres (FMC), for fisheries management, detection of IUU fishing activity, search & rescue. Trackwell software is the key element that receives all vessel data, integrates the information, and presents it to the users in a user-friendly interface.


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The platform generates insights that allow users to actively monitor the fisheries’ activities and prioritize their physical enforcement and safety at sea operations through the automatization of customized alerts while keeping full traceability of all actions. This means that the software does not only receives data and display dots in a map but provides the essential added value for what the VMS system is design and implemented for.

Trackwell VMS software is fully compliant with international fisheries regulations and facilitates the exchange of information between authorities, neighbouring countries, and Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs).

Our VMS software is offered as a Software as a Service (SaaS) that covers the software license, preventive maintenance, and updates, and 24/7 support services needed to keep the whole system fully operational.

Trackwell VMS is a state-of-the-art software that provides powerful near real-time insights for authorities/organizations to sustainably manage and control fisheries activities.


What are the components of a Vessel Monitoring System?

Device, Airtime and Data Components

  • VMS Units
    • Satellite
    • GSM/GPRS
    • Hybrid
  • Airtime
    • Data plan
    • Overage Cost
  • AIS data:
    • Additional positional information

Software Components

  • FMC Software (VMS Module)
    • Off-the-Shelve Monitoring capabilities
    • Additional Features
      • Data governance
      • Data sharing (FLUX Engine)
      • Data Analysis
  • E-Logbook and ERS Software Module

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Vessel Monitoring System ,Software byTrackwell FiMS
ARTICLE: A Vessel Monitoring System and its components.

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What can Trackwell VMS software do?

Graphic User Interface - GUI for Vessel Monitoring System Graphic User Interface – GUI

Vessel locations are presented on a state-of-the-art map application, supporting navigational maps on most standard formats. Among many features are easy to use vessel filtering, creation and handling of user defined maps, geo-fence editor, history trails and replay features for detailed analysis of vessel behaviour. Additionally, the system can integrate weather and oceanographic forecast and information layers.   

Monitoring Engine - Zone Monitoring and Enforcement System Monitoring Engine

All vessel information is one click away. Vessel positions are displayed on a state-of-the-art map display showing vessel movement in near real time. Device events such as tampering alerts, distress calls and others are received processed and displayed by the system and prioritized for the operator to take action. Trackwell VMS software offers cutting edge analysis capabilities for all vessel data, resulting in better decision making, saving time and resources in monitoring, law enforcement and safety and rescue operations.

Trackwell provides multiple tools for combatting illegal fisheries (IUU). The system offers a robust alert mechanism for monitoring of reserved fishing zones and marine protected areas and protecting fish stocks. It also integrates information from fishing licenses databases, certificates of seaworthiness, and other relevant data available to the customer to better perform their monitoring and enforcement of fishing regulations. With sustainable management of fisheries resources and protecting marine resources, fish stocks can recover.

Trackwell VMS software manages the entire database of ships and all their information. The Vessel registry page allows users to perform functions such as searching, listing and editing vessel information (name, position, last position, report history, course and speed, registrations, Fishing licences, authorisations and permissions etc). The system has a built-in vessel registry where new reporting vessels can be added and can also be automatically synchronized with an external national registry when needed.

The system allows users to configure any number of monitoring request with an advanced alert mechanism, which the system displays and prioritize as monitoring issues. There alerts can also be set up in relation to all vessels, predefined groups of vessels, dynamically calculated groups based on various characteristics (nationality, types of fishing, etc.) or for individually selected vessels.

The zone monitoring allows for real time data processing, customization of zones and geofencing alerts and finally the cross-checking of all data types to accurately identify issues.

Trackwell VMS monitors and alarms exit from / entry into harbours and issues a warning if vessel stops reporting outside of harbour zone or is not reporting according to schedule. It also displays customized alarms for distress signals from the vessels and prioritize the monitoring tasks accordingly.

Fishing Licenses and permits can be integrated as part of the vessel registry information and synchronize with external databases. As an additional feature, authorized users can assign, change their status, suspend, or manage fishing licenses and permits according to their specific customization requirements.

Reporting Tools - Vessel Monitoring System Data Analysis Reporting Tools

The system allows for the generation of pre-defined reports that are easily accessible where authorized users can enter various filtering parameters to get the required report. Customized reports can also be added according to customers specifications. All reports can be exported to most common file formats such as Excel, PDF, and Word formats.

The ERS (Electronic Reporting System) software module can be seamlessly integrated in the Trackwell VMS software platform, as well as function as a standalone product. The ERS module receives, stores, processes and forwards fishing activity data, sales notes and other fisheries related information received from either from Trackwell eLog or third party electronic logbooks, and other external sources according to the clients’ needs.

Data Handling - Secure and Reliable Data Management System Data Handling

All user profiles are secured with a username/password with all industry standard security and accessed measures. The system has an advanced role-based access management system with standard roles such as admin, user, guest or any number of specially designed roles. The system also keeps an audit log of all user activities within the system.

Trackwell ensures the highest levels of security and reliability. The company´s procedures for data security meet the stringent needs of governments and RFMOs.

  • 24/7/365 assistance
  • High-performance systems with an uptime of over 99.95%
  • Disaster recovery and backups protocols

Trackwell VMS software allows for shared usage, granting access only to subsets of information like in the case of the VMS systems from Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) or multi state countries. To allow this, complex data governance mechanisms need to be added as a fully customized solution to the specific client.

The system can be set up to accommodate any size of fleet, ranging up from tens to thousands of vessels. Weather national, international, or small-scale fleets the Trackwell system can accommodate. There is no limit on the number of users.

Data Exchange & Communications - Secure and Efficient Data Transfer Data Exchange & Communications

The Trackwell VMS software supports the integration with Trackwell FLUX Engine for the distribution of fisheries-related data through the FLUX network. The FLUX Engine is a complementary back-end component that is offered as an additional service and can integrate both to Trackwell VMS software or to another existing FMC software.

The software supports connectivity and data export to external systems as needed.

The system is fully compatible with protocols and message formats required by the EU, the regional fisheries offices (e.g. NEAFC, NAFO, SEAFO, ICCAT and more) and in bilateral agreements commonly made between countries.
The software supports connectivity and data export to external systems as needed.

Device & AIS Integration - Seamless Integration of AIS and Monitoring Devices

Device & AIS Integration

Automatic Identification System (AIS) positional data is generated by the AIS units that are installed on most large vessels in the world. Trackwell VMS software can integrate this AIS data to complement the data from VMS devices, and in some cases the VMS system can be based solely on AIS data if no VMS units are installed in the vessels. The AIS data feed is provided as a service by global AIS third party providers and/or from the countries’ own AIS land network.

Trackwell VMS software is not dependant of any one type of MTU (on-board devices) and it is a standard well-known procedure for Trackwell to add support for new types of transponder models and/or service provider’s gateways. This accounts for all type of VMS units (Satellite, GPRS/GSM and hybrid) and data service providers.

Powerful insights. Sustainable results.

About Us

Trackwell FiMS is a state of the art software that provides powerful near real-time insights to sustainably manage and control fisheries activities.

Product by Trackwell

FiMS is used by fisheries authorities, coastguards, and navies for surveillance, search and rescue, resource management, and fisheries control.

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